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Glenmore Park Dental OPG CBCT

Tooth Extractions Glenmore Park



Preserving your natural teeth is our first priority because they are optimal for chewing, biting, and maintaining proper jaw bone and mouth structure. Our goal is to help repair, save, and restore your natural teeth. Unfortunately, tooth extractions are sometimes unavoidable.


Although it may be unpleasant to realize that you have a tooth that requires extracting, this is actually a fairly common dental procedure. Let's take a look at what is involved with a tooth extraction so that you will be better prepared for this upcoming procedure.



Many teeth that are damaged by decay or are broken can be repaired using a dental filling, crown or other type of dental procedure. However, in some cases the tooth cannot be repaired because the damage is too severe. In this case, we may recommend a tooth extraction.



* Tooth decay is too extensive, having moved deep within the tooth
* A large amount of tooth structure or adjacent bone was destroyed by infection
* Too little room for all of the teeth 
* Extra teeth are blocking the emergence of other teeth
* Patients needing some types of orthodontic treatment may need room for teeth to be shifted into place
* Wisdom teeth may need extracting



Before extracting a tooth, we will carefully go over your medical and dental history. We will take any needed x-rays to gauge the difficulty of the procedure and whether you require an oral surgeon.


We begin by numbing the area surrounding your affected tooth with a local anaesthetic. However, if your tooth has broken off beneath the gum line, a surgical extraction may be necessary. 



The key thing to remember after we have extracted your tooth is to make sure the area remains clean to prevent infection. You will be asked to bite down on a piece of gauze immediately after your procedure to limit bleeding. For 24 hours after your extraction, do not smoke, vigorously rinse your mouth, or clean any teeth adjacent to the tooth extraction site.


It is normal to experience some level of discomfort after an extraction. Some patients may be prescribed pain medication. Applying a cold compress to your cheek may help alleviate any discomfort. Avoid vigorous physical activity, as well as consuming hot drinks. Avoid drinking through a straw. Normally, discomfort should diminish within a few days. However, if you should experience severe or prolonged pain, bleeding, swelling, or fever, call the office of Glenmore Park Dental immediately.

Tooth Extractions: What Are They/ When Are They Needed?

When do I need a tooth extraction?

Some reasons why you may need a tooth extraction:

After your extraction

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